Skip to Main Content Wins 2005 WebAward for Outstanding Achievement in Website Development

 Back To News Wins 2005 WebAward for Outstanding Achievement in Website Development

Sep 14, 2005

Cincinnati, OH - September 14, 2005. Automobile Consumer Services, Inc. (ACS), the leader in online direct-to-consumer auto leasing, has been awarded the 2005 Standard of Excellence WebAward by the Web Marketing Association (WMA). ACS won the award for "Outstanding Achievement in Website Development" for its website. The WebAward recognizes companies that possess the vision to transform their sites into powerful communication and business tools.

The 2005 WebAwards named the best Web sites in various industry categories. Winners were selected from a pool of nominees spanning 22 countries. Nominations were judged based on seven key criteria: design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copywriting and ease of use.

"Receiving this award further validates our company's commitment to using web technology for automotive services that help consumers," said Tarry Shebesta, president of ACS. "It's an honor to be recognized at this level especially by a major independent competition like the WebAwards where the competition is international and very tough.", as the name suggests, provides an interactive tool to instantly evaluate leasing options from a number of sources. Customers can lock in the lease quote they like and apply for credit online. ACS facilitates leases that customers choose from

The Web Marketing Association is the producer of the WebAward Competitions. Now in its 9th year, the WebAwards is the premier annual award competition that judges website development against an ever increasing Internet standard and against peer sites within their industry. More information about the WMA and the WebAwards can be found at

About Automobile Consumer Services, Inc. (

Based in Cincinnati, Automobile Consumer Services, Inc. (ACS) is a leading provider of direct-to-consumer auto leasing through its popular website Founded in 1989, ACS's mission is to provide services that enhance the experience of buying or leasing a car. ACS achieves this by leading the industry with innovative proprietary technology, superior customer service, and years of industry experience.

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